

Área do utilizador
Página Principal   Estudar   Oferta Formativa   Mestrados  Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial

Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management

Code M035
DepartmentMechanical Engineering and Industrial Management Department
Degree Mestre

Initial registry:
R/A-Ef 735/2011 from 18-03-2011
Changes registry:
R/A-Ef 735/2011/AL01 from 29-07-2019
R/A-Ef 735/2011/AL02 from 24-06-2021

Duration 2 year(s)
Regime Daytime and/or Evening
Course director Hugo Heitor Moreira Enes Ferreira
Course Secretariat

DEMGI – Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial


Curricular structure

1st Year - 1st Semester Contact hours  
Course unit T TP PL O ECTS
6035-3182994 - Energy I 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
6035-31821000 - Business Strategy and Competitiveness 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
6035-3182153 - Seminar 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
6035-3182995 - Systems I 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
6035-3182996 - Liaison Technologies 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
Opção de Energia
       Transfer Phenomena I 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
Opção de Tecnologias e Construções Mecânicas
       Machine Dynamics 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
Opção de Gestão Industrial
       Industrial Management I 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
T - Theoretical;  TP - Theoretical and Practical;  PL - Practical and laboratorial;  O - Other types

1st Year - 2nd Semester Contact hours  
Course unit T TP PL O ECTS
6035-3182998 - Energy II 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
6035-3182997 - Logistics 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
6035-3182999 - Mechanical Transmisson Systems 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
Opção de Energia
       Alternative Energy 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
       Transfer Phenomena II 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
       Systems II 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
Opção de Tecnologias e Construções Mecânicas
       Structural Mechanics 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
       Systems II 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
       Manufacturing Technology 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
Opção de Gestão Industrial
       Production and Operation Management 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
       Industrial Management II 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
       Innovation and Entrepreneurship 13 19,5 19,5 - 5
T - Theoretical;  TP - Theoretical and Practical;  PL - Practical and laboratorial;  O - Other types

2nd Year - 1st Semester Contact hours  
Course unit T TP PL O ECTS
6035-31821001 - Initiation to Dissertation/Project Work/Professional Work Placement 13 19,5 19,5 13 6
T - Theoretical;  TP - Theoretical and Practical;  PL - Practical and laboratorial;  O - Other types

2nd Year - Anual Contact hours  
Course unit T TP PL O ECTS
6035-31821002 - Dissertation/Project Work/Professional Work Placement - - - 468 54
T - Theoretical;  TP - Theoretical and Practical;  PL - Practical and laboratorial;  O - Other types

Scientific areas

Areas ECTS
Energy 90
Industrial Management 95
Systems 15
Technologies and Mechanical Constructions 90
Total 290 (*)

(*) Some course units are assigned to more than one scientific area. The total ECTS of the course is .

Oferta Formativa


Matrículas - Concurso
Nacional de Acesso

Matrículas - Concurso
Especial Vias

Inscrições Letivas


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Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu
Campus Politécnico
3504-510 Viseu

Telefone: +351 232480500
Fax: +351 232424651

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